English, asked by pallabbiswas373, 2 months ago

FOR MADHYMK EXAMINEE READING SEEN 1. READ THE PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Some days after the funeral, a special train took Gandhiji's ashes to Allahabad. The compartment decked with flowers. People on the train sang bhajans. People did not weep anymore for they could feel Gandhiji's presence amid the flowers and the songs. At every station sorrowful crowds filled the platform. Amid song and prayer the train reached Allahabad. The ashes were immersed in the Ganges where a huge crowd had gathered at the bank. Afterwards we all went back to Delhi. Back in Delhi, I felt at sea. I had not directly walked with Gandhili, gone to prison at his call or made any sacrifice for my country. My sisters and I, and other young people like me, had been merely onlookers. But still I felt at sea. I felt I had grown up within a magic circle. With Bapu's passing away, I felt the magic circle had vanished, leaving me unprotected. With an effort roused myself. I asked myself-had Bapu lived and died for nothing? How could I so easily lose courage when he was no longer there? My values were not so weak. Millions of people would have been ordinary folk but for Bapu. He brought them out of indifference and awakened them to one another's suffering. What if now Bapu is gone? We were still there, young, strong and proud to bear his banner before us. Bapu had passed away but his India would continue to live in his children. KA Dodge Ed) A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences in the given spaces: 1x5=5 (i) That Gandhiji was present still was felt by people in the middle of -(a) songs (b) his speeches (c) his writings (d) flowers and songs (ii) "I felt at sea The underlin Chosh Her


Answered by chilakalalakshmi1986


i) (d) flowers and songs

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