English, asked by vinodkygmailcom4195, 11 months ago

'for men may come and men may go but i go on for ever''.explain the line in the poem?


Answered by Anonymous
hey dear
here is your answer ☆


☞ the line ' for men may come and come may go but i go on for ever' is from the poem brook. this line meant that humans are mortal but nature is immortal. men have to leave this world one day or the other i.e. he dies but nature never dies. the brook flows from ages and it will never die.


hope it helped ^_^
Answered by Anonymous
"for men may come and men may go but i go on for ever'' means that the people who used to work for our safety, they may come and go and again they go and come till they are living. they don't think about their lives because they have been taken birth to die....
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