for photoelectrical effect ,is it possible to use microwaves
Can microwaves be used in the experiment on photoelectric effect? SOLUTION No. Explanation: The photoelectric effect is totally a Quantum Physics phenomenon
The photoelectric effect is totally a Quantum Physics phenomenon. A single photon of
light delivers it’s a tiny bundle of energy to the metal and ejects a single electron with a
very precise energy balance.
Electric sparks emitted from metal points/edges in a microwave oven are a macroscopic
phenomenon that has no need for a quantum explanation. The microwave generator
pumps hundreds of watts of electromagnetic energy into the oven cavity. The microwaves have a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz which gives them a wavelength of about
12 cm. (About 4 3/4 inches for those in the US)
These intense electric fields induce currents to flow in the metal. Sharp points/edges
concentrate the buildup of the electrons which can locally increase the voltage enough
to cause the arcing.