Computer Science, asked by aayush0448, 6 months ago

For python Program

1)Input a String and print all words that begin with ‘A’

2)To accept a String from the user and display number of times letters ‘a’, ’e’, ’I’, ’o’, ’u’.

3)Input a string and Capitalize first character of every word.




As we know that Python built-in input() function always returns a str(string) class object. So for taking integer input we have to type cast those inputs into integers by using Python built-in int() function

Answered by freedarajesh2003



Your method looks fine to me, you just need to make a string as you are returning a String. (see the code bellow). CODE public static String begin With B(String ...

Given a string, a character, and a count, the task is to print the string after the specified character has occurred count number of times.Print “Empty string” in ... Input : st r = "This is demo string" char = i, count = 3 Output : ng Input :    st r = "geeks forge e ks" char = e, count = 2 Output : ks for geeks. Asked in: Oracle ...

To capitalize each word, call the toLowerCase() method to put the string in lowercase format.

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