For reducing the number of death caused due to cammunicable disease obviously prority should improve the sanitation and hygiene. At which level - whether personal or public- do you think, we need to be more hygienic ? Explain. To spread the awareness of sanitation and hygienic what can you do in your daily life
According to an article in LiveMint, data has been released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) from a survey conducted in 2012; which has once again underlined the abysmal state of sanitation in the country, particularly in rural India. According to this survey, only 32% of rural households have their own toilets and that less than half of Indian households have a toilet at home. There were more households with a mobile phone than with a toilet. In fact, the last Census data reveals that the percentage of households having access to television and telephones in rural India exceeds the percentage of households with access to toilet facilities. Of the estimated billion people in the world who defecate in the open, more than half reside in India.s prior to handling their newborns.
Schools provide an excellent opportunity for children and parents to learn about healthy hygiene practices. There is an urgent need for adequate, well-maintained water supply and hygiene facilities which include proper toilets and hand washing basins in schools all across India. Inadequate water supply and sanitation in schools are health hazards and affect school attendance, retention and educational performance. A good example of one such recent project was implemented by Save the Children in partnership with Harpic in New Delhi, India. More needs to be done about giving girls the knowledge and facilities necessary for good menstrual hygiene is key to their dignity, privacy, educational achievement and their health. Adolescent girls are empowered through improved menstrual hygiene management. There need to be awareness campaigns for mothers and caregivers. Hand washing with soap at critical times is important for protecting the health of the whole family. By being a role model, mothers and caregivers can also help instill in their children healthy hygiene practices, which will serve them for life.
Until now, a number of innovative public health campaigns and programmes to improve health and hygiene have been implemented in India but more needs to be done. These include community-led public-private partnerships to improve access to toilets and awareness campaigns in schools and slums in both urban and rural sectors. There is an urgent need for more such campaigns all across India.