For the equlibrium, A = 2B + Heat,
the number of 'A' molecules increases if
a. volume is increased
b. temperature is increased
c. catalyst is added
d. concerntration of B is decreased
Problem Categorles
Ndgioa: 14i02, 14.12s
Comrpot 1413, 142 1439. 1453, 14s4, 1455, 1456 14.57, 1458R, 14.59, 1460 1461, 1462. 14.66, 1468
1469.14.70, 1471, 1483 1493. 1499, 14100, 14. 10, 14.111.14124
Dewrigene 1487, 4.92 1495
Lwu na: 14.67. 1451.
ndiat 148I, 14.97, 14.101, 14105.
DIticuity Level
Eany14.14. 4i5, 1416 14.17, 14 IR 1419 14.20. 1411, 1422 1429, 14, 146 1453, 1454 1455, 1456,
1458, 14.59, 1460, 1463 149. 1479, 1496, 14.102, 14 103, 14.107
Meliue 14.13 14.23. 1425, 1436, 14.28. 1431. 1432. 14.35, 1439, 14 A40, 1441. 1442. 1443, 1444, 1445, 14 AB
1457, 14.6. 462, 1464 14 5, I4.66, 1467, 14.68, 14.70 14.71, 14.72. 1476 1477, 14.80, 1433, 14.84, 14 36,
1437, 14.89. 1492 1494 1495. 497, 1499 4.101, 14.101, 14105, 14.111, 14.12, 1418, 14121, 14125.
Dfea: 14.34 14.27, 1446 1447, 1473, 1474. 1475. 14.78, 1481, 14.82, 1485, 148 14.90, 1491, 1493, 1498
14104, 14 106 14 108 14109, 14 10, 14.113 14114, 141IS, 14116 14117, 14 119, 4120 14 122. 14 123
d)With K-10. products are fovored at oqu libei
Becaune the oefficients ior bh A and B ae one
we expea the conceatationof B w be 10 tines that of A at oquilbrium. Choice (al is the best cheice
with 10B molecules and i A molacule.
Becaue dhe aeifice lor both A and Bae on
With K,-0.10, auss are favorad at equiliberiu
we ENpc the concerationof A to be 10 times that dB a aquihbium. Chice (d s the bot choice
with 10A molecules and IBmmlecule.
Youcan cakulase K, in caxh ase without knw ing the ve lune of dhe antainer becaue te mole no
betue A nd B the ane Voluse will caacd ion tde Ke espeeso Oy moles of caxh ompuaea
xe eeded to calcalas Ke
NoE e ae compuriag similar wxtions al cquilibe im-wocums prodacing cne poduct, l with
aefEces of one in de hulanced equion
The reactionA+Ca ACh the largest cquilibrimcomta
mostprodsct prcse at cquilibeium
orthe teee diagrams, there is the
The reactios A+D AD ha the snallest oquilhdunk contat Ofte tce diagraæa, hre is the
eal ad of product pse at cquilabekan
Wen te opaion for a reverble madion is weiten in te opponite diection, the eqguilieium comsan
beans the reciprocal of the original eqguilibeum cunsan
- 29x
& 4.17x 10