For the pedal equation of a curve p
For a plane curve C and a given fixed point O, the pedal equation of the curve is a relation between r and p where r is the distance from O to a point on C and p is the perpendicular distance from O to the tangent line to C at the point.
Epi- and hypocycloids.
n Curve Pedal eq.
−4, −4⁄3 Astroid p 2 = − 1 3 ( r 2 − a 2 )
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope this helps
To measure the distance of O to the normal p_{c} (the contrapedal coordinate) even though it is not an independent quantity and it relates to
Step-by-step explanation:
For a plane curve C and a given fixed point O, the pedal equation of the curve is a relation between r and p where r is the distance from O to a point on C and p is the perpendicular distance from O to the tangent line to C at the point. The point O is called the pedal point and the values r and p are sometimes called the pedal coordinates of a point relative to the curve and the pedal point.
Refer fig.
1. Rectangular cordinates.
For C given in rectangular coordinates by, and with
taken to be the origin, the pedal coordinates of the point
are given by:
The pedal equation can be found by eliminating from these equations and the equation of the curve.
The expression for may be simplified if the equation of the curve is written in homogeneous coordinates by introducing a variable
, so that the equation of the curve is
. The value of
is then given by
2. Polar coordinates
For C given in polar coordinates by , then
where is the polar tangential angle given by
The pedal equation can be found by eliminating from these equations.
Alternatively, from the above we can find that
where is the "contrapedal" coordinate, i.e. distance to the normal. This implies that if a curve satisfies an autonomous differential equation in polar coordinates of the form:
equation becomes