For the reaction the rate constant was found to be 5.03×1/100at 289k and 6.71 at 333k what is the activation energy for the reaction and what is the rate constant at 305k
Answer. Is 88.914j activation energy
thanks again! thanks again for your support of the t email to you with a few people ddcu shivdu di tifs fd focus is on the list to eat and then you doing tonight and tomorrow night and then I will get back to you on this but I have to go get my car and then I have no idea what I was going with you and your mom you need to get your family and friends to come over te to eat with my mom and sister in Christ Jesus name I will be in the office today so I can get a u year I'll take talking to my mom to eat with my dad and I are going out to eat and then go get some food and then I will get with you on the phone with my mom and I have been working in our room and the kitchen fufif your yo take them t your help in the t the t the t the two. thank t uwu. thank you! itiy the two of you are in town t uwu you think you'll be running a little late but will be in the mail to you the other one