Biology, asked by aclarl0405, 8 months ago

For this assignment, you will be writing a short paragraph (5-7 sentences), about a cell organelle of your choosing. During this assignment, you will be pretending that you are a cell organelle, and you are writing a letter to your boss (the nucleus), demanding a raise in pay because you believe your function is extremely important to the overall function of the cell. The letter should include: A topic sentence introducing yourself as an organelle "employee" to your boss (the nucleus), what is your function/role within the cell, and a description of why this role is so important and why it would be very bad if you were to quit your "job" as an organelle. Be creative and feel free to add whatever other arguments you can think to why your specific organelle is important and deserves a "raise".


Answered by Godzilla003


try it yourself


i searched for my assignment but got only one desent answer but it was not good enough

Good luck with your assessment

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