for what purpose are land resources used
land resources are used - forests .
land not available for cultivation Barren and waste land ; land are used for buildings , roads and etc...
Land resources are used for following purposes:
1. Forests
2. Land not a for cultivation
(a). Barren and waste land
(b). Land put to no agricultural uses,
e.g.buildings, roads, factories, etc.
3. Other uncultivated land ( excluding
fallow land)
(a). Permanent pastures and grazing
(b). Land under miscellaneous tree
crops groves.
(C). Cultruable waste land.
4. Fallow lands
(a). Current fallow
(b). Other than current fallow
5. Net sown area
Area sown more than once in an
agricultural year plus net sown area
is known as gross cropped area...