for which motive did kanta cast her vote in elections.
On Equality
India is a democracy. In the
Class VI book, we looked at
the key elements of a
democratic government.
These include people’s
participation, the
resolution of conflict, and
equality and justice.
Equality is a key feature of
democracy and influences
all aspects of its
functioning. In this chapter
you will read more about
equality – what it is, why it
is important in a
democracy, and whether or
not everyone is equal in
India. Let’s begin by
looking at Kanta’s story . t to vote
The story above begins with Kanta standing in line
to cast her vote. Look again at the various people
who are standing in line with her. Kanta recognises
her employer, Ashok Jain and Chotte Lal, her
neighbour. In a democratic country, like India, all
adults irrespective of what religion they belong to,
how much education they have had, what caste they
are, or whether they are rich or poor are allowed to
vote. This, as you have already read in the Class VI
book, is called universal adult franchise and is an
essential aspect of all democracies. The idea of
universal adult franchise is based on the idea of
equality because it states that every adult in a
country, irrespective of their wealth and the
communities she/he belongs to has one vote. Kanta
is excited to vote and happy that she is equal to all
of the others because each of them has one vote.
But as her day goes on, Kanta becomes less certain
about what this equality really means.
What is it that makes Kanta unsure? Let’s take a
look at a day in her life. She lives in a slum and has
a drain behind her house. Her daughter is sick but
she cannot take the day off from work because she
needs to borrow money from her employers to take
her child to the doctor. Her job as a domestic help
tires her out, and finally she ends her day again
standing in a long line. This line, in front of the
government hospital, is unlike the one in the morning
because most of the people standing in it are poor.