English, asked by abyr, 3 months ago

As a babe in the womb
depicted as an untouchable
stamped with a low caste, I was born.
That day itself branded a s**t
amidst senseless rules
in the cesspools of superstitions
cast away, I became forbidden woman.
My childhood that should grow
amidst pampering, scampering
has prelude of sorrowful songs.
Soaked in the loving care of my parents
my infancy that should bloom into adolescence
with the deity in the shrine as witness
gets unveiled as a doll in a shop.
In the shameless ultra modernity
that paraded us na*ed
cremating our tender youth
forcing us eat night soil
a strange story is mine.
Scorns of generations
indifference of ages
I carry as a legacy.

Attempt a critical appreciation of the above poem (200-250 words)


Answered by shamimaurmi


hvhx gkfy uvjfj gkhu gkhc gulc irM fu gkdk ikvuf gkfym gi kkbyx


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