The forests provide a lot of wood for the houses. Some families live in thatched houses shaped like
beehives. There are other large apartment like houses called Maloca with a steely slanting roof.
Life of the people is slowly changing. In olden days the heart of the forest, could be reached only
by navigating the river. In 1970 the means of transport made all parts of forest accessible.
Aircrafts and helicopters are also used for reaching various places. The indigenous population was
pushed out from the area and forced to settle in new areas where they continued to practice their
distinctive way of farming.
The development activities are leading to the gradual destruction of the biologically diverse
rainforests. It is estimated that a large area of the rainforest has been disappearing annually, as a
result topsoil is washed away with rainfall and the lush forest turns into a barren landscape.
Slash and burn is also a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by slashing or
cutting down trees and bushes. These are then burnt, which releases the nutrients into the soil,
now crops are grown in this clear field for a few years.
After repeatedly using this patch of land, the soil looses it's nutrients. So it is abandoned. Then
they clear another plot of land to plant. In the meantime, young trees grow in the old field. In this
way soil fertility is restored. People can then return to it and start cultivating again.
Answer the following questions: -
Q.1 What products do we get from forests?
Answered by
Answer: Forests give us wood for construction of houses, furniture, farming implements and household articles. We obtain cellulose fibres, paper, rubber, gum and aromatic substances. In addition, we get fruits, bulbs, roots, sealing wax, catechu and dyes.
Answered by
chairs, tables, houses, farming and ect.
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