Forests in Russia...Their features and their location
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On the territory of Russia is 1/4 of the world's reserves of wood. According to data for 2015 the total forest area has exceeded 885 million hectares, representing 45% of the total area of the country.
The main share of coniferous tree species comprises: pine, spruce, larch, cedar. Forest Fund of Russia can be divided into four main groups: Waterproof, field, reserve, recreational forests. In this area can be carried out only sanitary felling of trees in order to improve the overall condition of the forest.
Russian boreal forests (known in Russia as the taiga) represent the largest forested region on Earth (approximately 12 million km2), larger than the Amazon. These forests have relatively few tree species, and are composed mainly of birch, pine, spruce, fir, with some deciduous species.
On the territory of Russia is 1/4 of the world's reserves of wood. According to data for 2015 the total forest area has exceeded 885 million hectares, representing 45% of the total area of the country.
The main share of coniferous tree species comprises: pine, spruce, larch, cedar. Forest Fund of Russia can be divided into four main groups: Waterproof, field, reserve, recreational forests. In this area can be carried out only sanitary felling of trees in order to improve the overall condition of the forest.
Russian boreal forests (known in Russia as the taiga) represent the largest forested region on Earth (approximately 12 million km2), larger than the Amazon. These forests have relatively few tree species, and are composed mainly of birch, pine, spruce, fir, with some deciduous species.