Form Abstract Nouns from the following Verbs free, see protect judge live seize pursue punish receive flatter abuse move correct : 'succeed
An abstract noun is a noun that refers to an idea or a general quality. It does not refer to a physical object. Some of the examples of abstract nouns are: goodness, freedom, wisdom, brilliance, poverty, justice, philosophy, anger, peace, happiness, calm, etc.
The abstract nouns of the given verbs are given below:
Verbs Abstract Noun
Free Freedom
See sight
protect protection
judge judgement
live life
seize seizure
pursue pursuit
punish punishment
receive reception
flatter flattery
abuse abuse
move movement
correct correction
succeed success
The abstract noun of the word free is 'freedom'. An abstract noun is an idea or quality that cannot be sensed by the five sense organs of an individual. It can only be felt. The word given here i.e free can be used as an adjective, adverb and even as a verb but the noun form of it is an abstract noun.Aug 26, 2018