Formal email to the young scientist Mr Sundar pitchai CEO, Google requesting him for an appointment to interview him
E-mail to the young scientist Mr. Sundar Pichai CEO, Google requesting him for an appointment:
Mr. Sundar Pichai (CEO)
Subject- Requesting your appointment for Interview with our blogger
Dear Sir,
I on behalf of our website Business Now would like to have an interview session with you. Our website, being a current reporting media on most innovative trends in various expertises, conducts interviews with popular figures globally to know how they paved their way to influence the whole world. We will be glad to have you talking with our representative as you are one of the popular figures that could drive inspiration in the minds of our readers. Being an Indian basically, many of our readers look upon you as a role-model.
So I take this opportunity to request you to avail of time from your schedule for us so that we could arrange the interview. We look forward to your positive response.
Thanking you,
shanti nagar , muthiapuram,
Sundar Pitchai,
Google CEO,
Dear sir,
I am Ragav . You are my inspiration so I want an interview with you that how you struggle and came this height. From that interview I will learn more from you.
Shanti nagar, your faithfully,
07-05-2022. Ragav.