Formal letter in words and expression class 9 unit 1
Answer: for example,
Step : 1 Sender's address.
sneha bhavan, jamthada,
shrirampur p.o Jharkhand.
Pin 650024
Step : 2 Recievers address.
The principal,
St. Joseph's school,mihijam,
chithrenjan p.o
Step : 3 Salutation.
Respected Sir,
Step :4 Subject.
for enough benches and desks.
Step:5 Body or message of the letter.
I am Bindu, student class leader of class XI.B of our school. I kindly wanted to bring to your attention that in our class there are 56 students and we have only 17 benches and desks, we feel discomfort while coping the I kindly request you to provide some more benches and desks. we hope that you will be doing this favour for us very soon. If you do it so we will be obedient and grateful to you always.
Step :6 Closing of the letter.
Thanking you.