Formal letter on importance of education in the holistic personality development and nation building
Green Avenue
June 5, 2018
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Civil Lines Office
Subject: Importance of Education in the holistic personality development and nation building
I am writing to your esteemed self to express my views on the pivotal role of education in transforming any man’s and nation’s life. Education equips man/woman with general, life, and professional skills. When the number of skilled men and women increases in a nation, that nation automatically achieves developmental goals. Only educated men and women can tap, manage the national resources optimally.
Education can really transform anyone’s life. Without education man is powerless. The skills and the right attitude that we learn through education prepare us for the challenges of life. Education equips us to know the difference between the right and the wrong. Not only it shows us the way as a guiding light, it also indicates me the right direction we must move forward to.
The knowledge and the wisdom we receive from our education is the safest and most valuable treasure. We don’t have the fear of losing it. It is safe and secure in our mind. On the foundation of our education we can raise the palace or edifice of our chosen career and dreams. Through the columns of your esteemed daily I appeal to people, especially the youngsters to make education their top priority for their own success and the development of the nation. Thanking you.
Yours truly,
Amitabh Gosh
The Editor
National Daily
ITO, New Delhi
Date- 28 December 2018
Subject- Importance of education in the holistic personality development and nation building.
With due respect, I would like to draw the attention of the people on the importance of education in the holistic personality development and nation building.
As a result of an increase in competition in recent times, there has been a notion that passing the exams with good numbers is the most important for education. Hence, education is thus concerned only as a means of passing with a good percentage. This thought can be a major reason for the absence of true knowledge in the present generation. The purpose of education is not just limited to score well in the exams rather enhance the reasoning and learning capabilities in the person. Education helps in building the traits of humanity and become a good person. Exams are just a part of education which tests the individual that to which extent has he able to grasp the lessons. Therefore, education should not be reduced only to get good grades rather become good person altogether. I hope that through your newspaper I would be able to spread my views about this to the maximum people.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours truly
Mahavir colony
Lodhi Road
New Delhi