English, asked by kaustav84231, 2 months ago

Formal letter to sports captain of another shool inviting a cricket match


Answered by Rudraroy2308


Formal Letter to sports captain of another school inviting a cricket match.


Sun Vidyalaya Schools, Sector- 28,

Noida- 201301, Uttar Pradesh,


28th November, 2021


The sports captain,

Neptune International School,

Sector- 56, Noida- 201307,

Uttar Pradesh, India.

Respected Captain,

Subject: Invitation to come to a cricket match.

We are coordinately inviting you to our school for an iconic cricket competition between yours and our cricket teams.

We would like to have this match between others schools who are also joining the Sachin Interschool Cricket competition. Matches between Each School would be played during these Seven Days. Necessary details are given below-

  • Name- Sachin Interschool Cricket Competition
  • Venue- Playground No. 1-5,
  • Address- Sun Vidyalaya Schools, Sector- 28, Noida- 201301
  • Timings- From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (During School Hours)
  • Starts from- 30th November, 2021
  • Ends on- 9th December, 2021
  • Number of Days- 7 days (only during school days, matches will be played)
  • Age group- Age from 10 to 13.

Also please note-

  • Food would be provided by the school for players in the Canteen.
  • Playgrounds 1 to 3 are only for warm ups and practice.
  • Transportation would be provided by the School.
  • Please bring your own supplies for your team.
  • Please be responsible for your own items.
  • Students of other schools can roam near the playground, entering in school premises and causing disturbance during class periods are strictly prohibit.
  • If any school premises objects are broken, the fine is to be payed by that school student.

We would be thankful for your and your teams' presence.

Yours Faithfully,

Rudra Roy,




(Sports Captain of Sun Vidyalaya Schools, Noida)

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