English, asked by deogadesaksham, 2 months ago

Formation of Interrogative Sentences
1. They attended all the programmes, didn't they? ->
2. Sanju is not as clever as Raju, is he?
3. This porter cannot lift such heavy luggage, can he?
4. Jackson will tackle this problem in a better way, won't he?
5. She doesn't look well, does she? -)
6. The guests found the food quite good, didn't they? ->
7. She hadn't invited all her classmates to her birthday party, had she? ->
8. He admits his mistake, doesn't he?-)
9. He is sometimes wise, isn't he?>
10. She was not present during the meeting, was she?->
the following into Negative Questions :


Answered by Xxittzpriyanshu22xX


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Answered by Anonymous


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