Science, asked by khushlalalok, 5 months ago

nort AnswerType Questions
Name the acids present in unripe green apples, vinegar, tea, sour milk and orange.
Write chemical formulae of the following:
a. Sulfuric acid
b. Nitric acid
d. Sodium bicarbonate
What are basic substances?
Define an indicator. Give examples.
Which substances turn blue litmus paper red?
What is used to test the strength of an acid and a base?
Name the salt obtained by the reaction between HCland NaOH.
What is neutralisation? How is neutralisation helpful in the treatment of indigestion?
What are salts? What are their uses Name some salts commonly used in a laboratory,
Answer Type Questions
What are indicators' Name two acid-base indicators.
Distinguish between the following terms by giving suitable examples.
Acid and Alkali
b. Organic and Mineral Acid
c. Base and Al
Vhy litmus is called a natural indicator? Explain its role as an indicator.
Vhar is the application of neutralisation reaction in soil treatment?​


Answered by piyushbansal9774



A. Acetic Acid

B.Tannic Acid

C. Lactic Acid

D. Citric acid







the substance which releases hydroxide ions on dissolving in water is termed as bases.


the substances which change its colour or odour on reacting with acids or bases(used to find presence of acid or bases). are called Indicators. Eg. turmeric, Litmus,phenolphatalien, hydrangea,etc




Universal Indicator


neutralization reaction refers to the reaction in which the acid and bases react together to form the salt and water.

when we are suffering from in digestion for the excess of acid in our stomach intake bases such as baking soda that neutralizes the excess acid that produces in our stomach.


Salts are the by product of the reaction that takes place between the acid and bases.

some common salts are magnesium chloride sodium chloride sodium carbonate silver chloride etc.



acids are the substances which releases the h + ions on dissolving with water and alkali or generally bases that are soluble in water. examples of acids are sulphuric acid nitric acid phosphoric acid and some examples of alkalis are sodium hydroxide magnesium hydroxide calcium hydroxide


organic acid refers to a set that we found from the the natural biotic sphere of nature. and some examples are tartaric acid,lactic acid etc .

mineral acid refers to the acid that are generally strong and found from the about experience of nature. some examples are hydrochloric acid,nitric acid


base of the substances that releases negative ions on dissolving on water alkalis are the bases that dissolve in water


natural indicators refers to the indicators that we extract naturally for example litmus turmeric hydrangea etc the litmus is extracted from the lichens so it's considered as natural indicator it change its colour from Blue to red in the presence of an acid and from red to Blue in presence of base.


for the treatment of soil, when soil is acidic we use the base such as calcium carbonate to neutralize the excess base present in the soil and when the soil is acidic we use the compost wizard generally bit acidic in nature that also neutralizes the access base that is present in the soil.

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Answered by Anonymous


Acid present in

unripe green apples - malic acid

vinegar - acetic acid

tea - tannic acid

sour milk - lactic acid

orange - citric acid

chemical formulae

a. Sulfuric acid - H2SO4

b. Nitric acid - HNO3

c. Caustic soda - NaoH

d. Sodium bicarbonate - NaHCO3

Chemical indicator are any substance which gives a visible sign, usually by a colour change, of the presence or absence of a threshold concentration of a chemical species, such as an acid or an alkali in a solution. example methyl orange is an acid base indicator

Acid changes blue litmus red

PH scale is used to test the strength of an acid.

NaCl is the salt obtained by the reaction of HCl and NaOH.

Acid - acid is

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