formula of area of equiangular triangle
Step-by-step explanation:
In general, the height of an equilateral triangle is equal to √3 / 2 times a side of the equilateral triangle. The area of an equilateral triangle is equal to 1/2 * √3s/ 2 * s = √3s2/4.
Hope it helps.
The area formula is equilateral
We already know that the general formula of a triangle is
L = ½ a x t
But in equilateral triangles to calculate the area in addition to using the formula above, you can also use the quick formula to find the area, namely:
L = a² / 4 x √3
a is the length of the side of a triangle.
Equilateral Triangle Height Formula
The formula for the height of an equilateral triangle is:
t = ½. a. √3
Equilateral Triangle Circumference Formula
To calculate the circumference of an equilateral triangle, there is no difference in the formula for calculating the perimeter of a triangle in general. The circumferential triangle equilibrium formula is:
K = side 1 + side 2 + side 3
Or you can use a formula
K = side length. 3 Or
K = 3.a
Formula Description:
K is the perimeter of a triangle
a is the length of the side of a triangle
this can happen because the lengths of all sides are the same.
Hope this answer helping you