Formula relation between degree of dissociation and degree of association
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Degree of association, van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant. Where α is the degree of dissociation. Therefore, i=1−α+α+α=1+α, and α=(i−1).
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Following Wikipedia's van 't Hoff factor discussion, the van 't Hoff factor can be computed from the degree of ionization as follows
i = αn + (1 - α)
where α is the degree of dissociation and n equals the number of ions formed from one formula unit of the substance. The formula above is often rearranged as follows:
i = 1 + α(n - 1)
The form just above is what I will use in the solutions below.
Example #1: What is the expected van 't Hoff factor for a substance (such as glucose) that does not ionize at all in solution.
α = 0
n = 1
i = 1 + 0(1 - 1)
i = 1 Degree of association, van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant. Where α is the degree of dissociation. Therefore, i=1−α+α+α=1+α, and α=(i−1).
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