Physics, asked by tasaskqa2893, 1 year ago

Formula to calculate torque of bldc motor


Answered by RJRishabh
Connect the BLDCM to load and run at any given speed.

Measure Vdc, Idc and N (rpm).

Get machine efficiency*.

Use following formula to compute approximate torque.

Power Input (kW), Pi=Vdc∗IdcPi=Vdc∗Idc

Power Output (kW), Po=2πNTl60Po=2πNTl60

Efficiency, η=PoPiη=PoPi

Substituting & rearranging the terms leads to-

Load torque (Nm), Tl=ηPi602πNTl=ηPi602πN

The above computations will provide approximate value of load torque in absence of a reliable torque sensor.

PMBLDC Machine’s efficiency may be obtained from manufacturer datasheets or may be assumed somewhere between 75%~90%. Take care while making an assumption. e.g. I’d take 85% ( = 0.85) efficiency for a low-power machine made by a standard manufacturer, but it may not be true for a non-standard manufacturer.
cheers !!!

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