Four boys K, L, M, and N sit in a row facing north and they are of different professions among engineer, doctor, professor, and actor. Four girls P, Q, R, and S sit in a row facing south and they are of different professions among lawyer, teacher, director, and collector.
They sit in such a way that the distance between any 2 adjacent persons in a row is the same, such that 1 person in 1 row faces the other person in the other row but not necessarily in the same order.
Collector sits opposite the person who sits 3rd to the right of N.
The doctor and teacher sit opposite each other.
The engineer sits opposite the person who sits 3rd to the left of R.
Only 1 person sits in between K and L.
R sits 2nd to the right of S, the director.
P does not sit opposite to the engineer and K is neither a doctor nor an engineer.
The lawyer does not sit opposite the actor.
Which of the following “person-profession” combination is correct?
a. P – Director
b. S – Collector
c. M – Actor
d. N – Engineer
N and R are persons profession combhna tion is correct
none of the above
M--> Actor
Step-by-step explanation:
R(teacher) P(lawyer) S(Director) Q (Collector)
N(Doctor) K(Prof.) M(Actor) L(Engg.)
The collector sits opposite the person who sits 3rd to the right of N.
_ _ _ _(collector)
N _ _ _
The engineer sits opposite the person who sits 3rd to the left of R.
R _ _ _(collector)
N _ _ _(Engg)
Only 1 person sits in between K and L.
R _ _ _(collector)
N _ M _(Engg)
R sits 2nd to the right of S, the director.
R _ S(Director) _(collector)
N _ M _(Engg)
P does not sit opposite to the engineer
R P S(Director) Q(collector)
N _ M _(Engg)
K is neither a doctor nor an engineer.
The lawyer does not sit opposite the actor.
R P S(Director) Q(collector)
N(Dcotor) K(prof) M(actor) L(Engg)
The doctor and teacher sit opposite each other.
R(teacher) P(Lawyesr) S(Director) Q(collector)
N(Dcotor) K(prof) M(actor) L(Engg)