Four circles have radii of 41, 40, 3541,40,35 and 3030. You want to arrange them in 3D space, such that each of the circles is tangent to the other three. So first you lay the circle with radius 4141 on the floor so that its plane is the horizontal xyxy plane. Next you place the following circles one after the other such that each one is tangent to the big circle on the floor and to the previous circle that you added. At the end each of the four circles is tangent to the other three.
After you do this, how high (zz-coordinate) will the tangency point between the circle with radius 4040 and the circle with radius 3535 be above the xyxy plane ? (This is point A is the attached figure).

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The small circles intersect in lens-shaped areas of pi/2 - 1
Each small circle has area pi
The large circle has area 4pi
The points in the lenses and the large circle outside the small circles lie in 1 or 3 circles.
4pi - 4(pi) + 4(pi/2-1) = 2pi-4
Step-by-step explanation:
Idk if this is what you wanted as an answer but I tried....
Hope this helps and sorry i attempted to answer this after you have had it posted for so long....

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