four equal charges of each +2mc are placed at the corner of side 50 cm.find the net force on any of the charges.
each are placed at the corners of sides 50cm. What are the force on any of the charges?
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Let each charge be q. We denote side length of the cube by d.Starting from left lower corner of the cube naming it A and moving anti clockwise we name the successive corners byB,and D respectively.We take coordinate system such that x-axis is along AB side and y-axis is along AD side.i and j unit vectors along x and y axis respectively. Now,we consider forces on charge atB.
Force due to charge atA, F(BA)=(kq^2/d^2)i
Force due to change atC, F(BC)=-(kq^2/d^2)j
Forc due to charge at D, F(BD)=kq^2/2d^2x(cos (pi/4)i- cos(pi/4))=kq^2/d^2(1/2root2i-1/2root2j)
Adding these three forces vectorially,we have,
F=kq^2/d^2(1+ 1/2root2)i-kq^2/d^2(1+1/2root2)j=kq^2/d^2(1+1/2root2)(I-j).
Now,take, q=2x10^-6C, d=0.5m and k=9x10^9 Nm^2/C^2. Find, with these values Fx andFy that is x and y components of F and then
|F|=under root of(Fx^2+Fy^2). I hope you will get numerical value by your self.