Four interview questions on how inhumane farming methods could lead to ill health
Inhumane Farming can lead to ill-health by:
* As the animals are harshly treated they often may be dangerous.
* They are treated without sentiments, so they are only used for production.
* Negligence in proper farming may lead to diseases.
* Animals are caged ruthlessly which leave them no space to even have the minimal movement. So they remain dirty and with disease.
It is also defined as the procedures of farming which does not involve the welfare of the animals and which is opposite to the proper method of farming.
The interview questions need to be such that they get the desired response from the person being interviewed. Therefore, they cannot be questions that can be answered in one word or a short phrase.
(Please note that inhumane farming is synonymous with industrial farming or factory farming, where animals are treated as commodities rather than living beings.)
1. How does an animal's living space affect the food it supplies to humans?
2. What is the connection between factory farming and humans becoming immune to antibiotics?
3. Why should we be concerned about animals in industrial farms being overfed?
4. From the perspective of human health, what are the three inhumane farming practices that you would want to change?