four principal factors which contributed backwardness in agriculture on the eve of independence
Lack of capital:- The majority of farmers are poor and due to lack of capital they cannot afford to purchase modern scientific implements, chemical manures, improved types of seeds, etc. Scarcity of water:- Farmers have to face many problems due to lack of water.
The following are the causes explaining stagnancy in Indian agriculture sector during the colonial rule:
Introduction of Land Revenue System. This was due to prevalence of various systems of Land Settlement, particularly Zamindari system. ...
Forceful Commercialisation. ...
Lack of Irrigation Facilities and Resources
इट इज वेल नोन फैक्ट ठाट अट लीस्ट वन ऑफ द नेशनल इनकम ऑफ इंडिया इज द राइट फ्रॉम द एग्रीकल्चरल सेक्टर ऑफ द कंट्री हाउ एवर बिफोर 1947 अंडर ब्रिटिश रूल मोर थन 90% ऑफ द नेशनल इनकम रिलीज ऑन द इंडियन एग्रीकल्चरल सेक्टर 19 एंड पोर्शन ऑफ द कंट्री पॉपुलेशन रिसाइटिड इन रूरल एरियाज व्हेयर एग्रीकल्चर दोस्ती प्रायमरी सोर्स ऑफ लिविंग