Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 day ago

fr. ee points (╯︵╰,)

what is traumatic situation meaning?​


Answered by keshavraj314


Any event that involves experiencing or witnessing actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence has the potential to be traumatic.

Answered by Anonymous


Tra um a is an emot io nal re spo nse to a ter rible eve nt li ke an acci dent, r ape or natu ral dis ast er. Im medi ate ly after the eve nt, shock and deni al are typ ical. Lo nger ter m rea ctio ns incl ude un pre di cta b le em o ti ons, fla sh backs, strai ned relatio nsh ip s and eve n phy sical sy mpt oms lik e he ad a ch es or na u se a.

Thnx r u alright ????

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