English, asked by karishmasoni181003, 1 year ago

fraternity leads to social stability​


Answered by phillipinestest

Fraternity leads to Social Stability​

Fraternity is the need of the hour. When the whole world is at daggers drawn we need to maintain fraternity.  

Fraternity means brotherhood. It is a feeling of common love and affection for each other.

The current scenario of India desperately requires fraternity. If there is no fraternity there is hatred, jealousy and violence.  Life is short. Why live it without love and peace?

Without fraternity, there can never exist harmony and unity. People will always be thirsty for each other’s blood.

Thus for social stability we thus need fraternity.

Learn more about fraternity.

Explain the meaning and significance of words fraternity;unity; and integrity in preamble.


Why is it important to promote fraternity In India?


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