freedom cannot be bargained at any cost. explain by the help of poem a tiger in the zoo ?
In this poem, Leslie Norris has given an appropriate description of a tiger. This poem contrasts a tiger in the zoo in his cage with the tiger in its natural habitat. The poem moves from the zoo to the jungle, and back again to the jungle. The poet sees a tiger full of rage but quiet, moving in his cage in a starry night. The poet feels that the tiger should have been moving freely in the forest and hunting at his will. But now he is locked in a concrete cell behind the bars. At night he watches stars with his brilliant eyes and longs for freedom.The poet means that the zoo is not the rightful place of the tiger. He is a denizen of the jungle. His real place is in the wild. Had he been in the wild, he would have been lurking around in shadow. He must have been sliding quietly through the long grass to ambush his kill. He should be using the long grass and shadows as necessary covers to keep his movement undetected. He would know where he could get his favourite hunt — the plump deer. He should approach the waterhole quietly where animals and deer come to drink water. Hence the statement " freedom cannot be bargained at any cost " is suitable for this amazing poem