English, asked by okkkOkkk, 4 months ago

freedom comes with responsibility . narrate an incident to prove the truth of this statement.​


Answered by dvchopada

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.”

To wear a mask is the responsible and mature thing to do. Wearing a mask is not for yourself — it is for others. It is for your mother, father, wife, husband, your children. It is for your grandmother and grandfather, and by not complying, you are displaying your immaturity and refusal to carry your own weight. Without a mask, you are showing your lack of common sense and/or sound judgement. You are telling me you don’t care about those you love and who love you.

This immature, childlike behavior and attitude is encouraged and supported by Donald Trump. But Trump certainly shows little intelligence or common sense when it comes to… well, absolutely anything. My preschool grandchildren understand that there are germs that are causing grandparents to get sick. Even at their tender age, they understand that wearing a mask will help. Trump has been warned by advisers that wearing a mask can help others, but he is too vain to do so. Rather than making him look bad behind the Resolute Desk, wearing a mask might be the one thing that makes him look intelligent and show that he cares about someone other than himself. Trump is that person Elanor Roosevelt warned us about — “the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight.” This is someone who claims total power, but zero responsibility.

And I’d rather look bad or however I look wearing a mask than how I, or someone else may look, lying in a casket.

Hope it is helpful pls mark me as brainliest

Answered by guruprasadjena76


Responsibility and freedom go together. If you don’t want to take responsibility, you can’t have freedom either. The two come together or they go together. If you shun responsibility, you have to accept slavery in some way or other.

Now, you had dreamed about freedom without ever thinking that great responsibility will follow. Freedom you have, but you have not fulfilled the responsibility. Hence, sadness lingers around you. You are absolutely capable of removing this sadness. If you were capable of destroying your slavery, your chains, you are certainly capable of being creative.

Living without any freedom can make you feel as though life is chocking you. Luckily we live in an era where we have a lot of rights and freedom. At an individual level, there are things that you wish you were able to do, but you cannot do them because of certain restrictions. The restrictions make you feel as though you are in prison. When these restrictions are abolished, you are released and able to do all you want to do. However, in everything, you must proceed with caution, and you must be responsible.

Freedom without responsibility will lead to a lot of adverse effects in as much as you may mean well. You ought to always exercise care at all times.


Hope it helps you a lot.

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