French essay on food
hwwgjwtwtwgw to the at wueywucwgwcwieb
Ma nourriture préférée est ....
C'est délicieux parce que ma mère le fait. J'adore manger cette nourriture pendant... cette quantité de temps. Chaque fois que j'ai la chance de le manger, ça me fait du bien. Je recommanderais cette nourriture ... (pour cette raison). Enfin, pour faire cet aliment, il se compose de ces étapes qui sont...
The dots is for you to complete the sentence. In english it would be:
My favourite food is ....
It is delicious since my mother makes it. I love eating this food...this amount of time. Whenever, i get the chance to eat it, it makes me feel good. I would recommend this food...for this reason. Finally, to make this food it consists of these steps ...
You can describe more which quantity of food you'd like by Introduction: What's the food that you like, Why do you like it and for what reason
Include the steps on how the food is made, Why would you recommend this food. You can base these steps to write your french essay and refer to a translator page. You can type it in english then translate it to french and it should facilitate the process.
Hope this helped.