French, asked by ambreenahmad401, 1 year ago

Exposure to art sets the proper social, historical, geographical and religious
content for acquisition of language skills. The visuals capture the attention of
students easily.
Learners will present a picture whether it is of a historical monument or the
print of a painting by a famous artist of France. It is an excellent way to
demonstrate the richness of interpretation and varying subjectivity that each
individual has.


Answered by msialegendslegend



Answered by omtripathiduke

Pls, MARK AS BRAINLIEST. I have did my best for the answer.

The arts invoke and enhance communication among students. The arts prepares students for the

world of communication, heightens their awareness/consideration of differing opinions

and thoughts as well as illustrates the various means by which people choose to express

their thoughts and feelings, particularly on topics that have no “tangibility” (Barton et al.,

2015, Shulsky & Kirkwood, 2015). The arts induce our sensory perception which

prompts humans to go deeper into their thoughts thereby increasing their cognitive

abilities (Barton et al., 2015) “Importantly, participating in the arts can foster courage andThe arts are essential in early childhood education to assist in developing thinking

skills and “lifelong learning disposition… connection making, reflection and conversation skills” (Shulsky & Kirkwood. 2015, p. 6). When a child creates a piece of

art it will inevitably have elements of the child’s: ideas, dreams, concerns, interests and experiences; and when asked to speak of their art they will often make connections between what they have created and what they see in the world around them (Shulsky &

Kirkwood, 2015). The observation and critiques of art by peers allows them to exercise their oral, visual and written literacies and it opens the artist up to a variety of opinions, reactions, observations and feelings as well as providing a good opportunity for educators

to teach their students about being respectful in their critiques and in choosing their words carefully, so as not to offend the artist.

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