fresh water is important to us but why can you tell
Freshwater is vital for life, supporting ecosystems and human civilizations. We use freshwater in many aspects of daily life including food production, power generation, manufacturing, and sanitation. However, it is becoming increasingly threatened. Although the Earth’s surface is two-thirds water, less than three percent is fresh. Pollution in the world’s rivers, streams, and lakes renders water undrinkable and harms local wildlife. Overuse, triggered in part by population growth, causes water shortages and dries up lakes, rivers, or streams before they reach the sea or downstream neighbors, sometimes causing conflict.
Access to freshwater will be a defining issue for future generations. Students need to understand how individuals, organizations, and nations are taking action and how they can get involved. Below are free, standards-based education resources developed for educators to engage students in science, social studies, and geography concepts related to freshwater. These materials contain strategies and approaches to teaching about water in the classroom