“ Friction is a both a boon and a bane”. Write an article (
around 100 words) on this topic,
What is Friction?
Friction is defined as the resistance offered by the surfaces that are in contact when they move past each other.
Friction provides traction that is needed to walk without slipping. Friction is helpful in most cases. However, they also offer a great measure of opposition to the motion. In addition, about 20 per cent of the engine power of automobiles is consumed in overcoming frictional forces in the moving parts. In the next section, let us go through some of these factors.
Types of Friction
There are four types of friction and they are classified as follows:
- Static friction
- Sliding friction
- Rolling friction
- Fluid friction
All four types of frictions are different from each other. For example, static friction is the friction that acts between the surfaces when they are at rest with respect to each other. In contrast, sliding friction is the resistance created between any two objects when sliding against each other. Similarly, understand the nature of different types of friction from the article below.