Friend in need is friends indeed 1000 words
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed,’ stands as a standard of the real relationship of friends. The meaning of this proverb is that a person who helps in our need or difficulty is a true friend.
Right never left us alone; they motivate us and always support whenever we need them. Real friends become very special in our life and remain with us. It is real friends who prove this proverb ‘A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.
Good friends always support in our difficulties; for whom it is not necessary to be from the same field, same class or same cast. Real friends still listen to you and correct the mistakes you do to bring at the right path. True friendship is the most trusted and meaningful relationship among all relationships in life.
A true friend never sees the differences (whether financial racial, cultural, or traditional); he/she just become ready to help in any condition. A true friend always gives and never has felt to take in return. Every one of us needs someone who can help us anytime whenever we need him/her.
A friend who helps you by giving you advice, by helping you to clear your doubts about your lessons, a friend who is intelligent and knowledgeable is indeed a valuable friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
If we earn a good friend in life, we collect the most precious thing. We can share with them anything and any secret of life. Having a good friend is very necessary to all of us in such a hectic life so that we can release the mind pressure of study, job, business, family, etc. By talking to them.
A true friend may have a variety of useful qualities; however, having essential qualities are necessary to be engaged in a good friendship. We should not be hurried in making friendship to avoid stranger and cheater friends.
We should take proper time in understanding the friends all around us and choose someone special for our friendship who may lead us ahead in life.
No one can help us as a true friend as they share all the highs and lows of life. Thus, we learn from this proverb that it is the only real friend who appears with us in all time; but those who stay with us in happy times are not good friends. Real friends always give good memories and reasons to be in friendship forever.
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A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
In the dictionary, a friend is defined as ‘a person whom one knows well and is fond of’. A friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a trustworthy companion. Friendship is a relationship which takes time to build. There are many steps and stages to achieving a true friendship. However, one can think building a friendship is like planting a garden. Planting a garden needs devotion and leisure. It takes patience to grow a garden. Frustrations and hardships are also involved in the process. Firstly the seed is planted. The seed builds the foundation of a strong and stable plant. It has to be taken care of and watered daily. Then the shoots start sprouting, the plant is finally flourishing. One can see day by day the garden maturing. Then one day the garden starts to wilt, it starts dying. One has to tend to it and have the patience and determination to bring it hack to life. It frustrates one to see the insects and predators preying on the beautiful garden that once existed. But hard work and devotion regains the garden’s beauty and gives it life again. Soon the shoots blossom a bloom into beautiful flowers. The charm and divine beauty of the garden is a wonderful enlightening sight. Building a friendship has similar characteristics. One meets a person and plants the seed of friendship. The friendship builds and continues to grow stronger. It requires devotion of time and patience to achieve peak communication between the two companions. The struggle to keep a solid friendship includes many obstacles and hardships. But compromising, devotion and the willingness to endure are bound to pay-off in the end. Friendship has its good and bad times. There comes a time when the relationship is just not working. It is preoccupied with disagreements and quarrels. It is on the verge of destruction. One must have the patience to deal with such frustrations. The willingness and determination to get the relationship working again comes from within. It is great to have a strong and stable relationship which allows the two companions to share the joys and memories of life together. Friends play an important role in a person’s life. They encourage when one is sad, they entertain when one is lonesome, and they listen when one has problems. Friends that grew up with would share the happiness and sadness one might has. However, friends that grew up with might not always be the best friends because they could faking it or been concealing some secrets. So, it is very important for one to recognize all the friends he or she has because good friends are hard to find. Good friends should not be measured only on the basis of the time spent together. With good friends, one is able to have a more meaningful life. As you take that long journey through life you will never be alone. A friend will always be there if you need her. A friend never turns her back on you when you need her. The one true friend you meet along the way will never give up on your friendship no matter what.