English, asked by kiranbalaranga, 8 months ago

friends group paragraph​


Answered by abhishekprakash38


Dear Best Friends,

Ever since the day we were put into the same class in primary and elementary school, I would have never thought you would still be by my side. I thought you either would stay with me for a short period of time or leave me hanging or just completely stop talking and hanging out with me. Although, that was not the case I am very happy to have you all in my life.

Whether you moved or not or if you lived farther away from where I live, you all still stayed in contact with me. Whether you were busy or not, you all and each and every one of you made time out of your busy schedule to hang out with me. I feel so blessed to have a great amazing group of friends and a great friend support group. When people would make fun of me or talk about me behind my back, you all were my body guard and made sure those people would stop doing that to me. In addition, you did not look at my flaws, unlike what some people in this world do. There were those high school boys who obviously wanted nothing to do with me but you all let me in your life and you all wanted something to do with me in my life which meant a lot to me.

I thought if you moved that was going to be the end of our friendship but that was not the case, I thought if you went to another school that you would forget me or want nothing to do with me but luckily, that was not the case. Also, when my dad got diagnosed with cancer you all dropped everything and made sure I was okay and was doing alright, during those times when my dad got diagnosed with cancer for the first and second time. Thus, I also thought if I had a speech issue and learning problem that you all would leave me, but luckily that did not happen.

No matter what my flaws were you did not judge me and I am so thankful for that. During my good and bad days, you were there either to make me happy or to be there for the bad and good times. If I was upset you would take some time out of your day and talk to me and cheer me up! I loved that. Whether it was to hang out, go to the movies, the mall, out to eat, beach or just to run some errands with you all of that meant a lot to me. Spending quality time with you all is treasure to my heart that I will treasure for a long time, those memories made will mean a lot to me.

All of your good words of wisdom, all those good laughs, all those jokes, all of those stay up til midnight conversations , and all those memories made during our high school year and up to now in college will be remembered for sure. I also wanted you to know how much it means to me to have you all in my life, when two people fled away in my life you made sure that I was alright and you always kept your promises to staying best friend's with me. That promise has never been broken and I feel relieved knowing that and knowing how great of a support group of friends I have, it is truly a blessing for sure.

I still remember all those bike rides I did to go to your houses, I remember our school bus journey's,school events, recess, school, lunch, field trips, hang out sessions, and birthday parties. It is truly amazing how long we been a group of best friends and its crazy that we all grew up together and grew every year and still been best friends ever since the second grade! Overall, thank you for being a part of my life and sticking by me since we were little. I appreciate everything you do for me! Thanks for never judging me and thanks for sticking up for me! You all hold a special place in my heart and lastly thanks for being my buddy for the good and bad times though this adventure I call life.

P.S Thanks for the unconditional love and support ! Also, thanks for never hating soccer when I played soccer in jr. high school year for a soccer team for my soccer complex Thank you also for cheering me on at my unify basketball games that meant a lot to me!

I also remembered thank you

Sincerely, Your Best Friend

Sara A Schmidt

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