English, asked by naikmanthan2006, 3 months ago

Friends had conjectured that the bear would not recognise her. I had thought so too
But while she was yet some yards from his cage Baba saw her and recognised her. He
howled with happiness. She ran up to him, petted him through the bars, and he stood
on his head in delight.
0) Thad thought so too is the phrase that means
(a) the author's wife had the same opinion as that of her friends.
(b) the author's wife believed that bear will never forget her.
(C) the author's wife believed that bear also misses her.
(d) None o the
(11) Choose the answer that iists the correct option representing Baba as per the above
(a) Option
(b) Option 2
(C) Option 3
4) Option 4
(ii) What the author's friends thought about Baba?
(a) He won't recognisé author's wife.
(6) He may recognise authors wife
(C) He would hate author and his wife.
(d) He would throw a tantrum when he sees author's wife
(1V) Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to
the given extract.
1. Baba was in the zo0 and he miSsed the author's wife badly.
2. Author's wife was very much attached to Baba.
3. Author's wife went to the zoo to meet Baba.
4. Baba didn't want to see author's wife in the zoo as he was upset.​


Answered by sahanashashank865







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