Ever thought if you could solve that 3-page lengthy problem of that boring maths class in a matter of a second. Or why a computer can multitask so better but we humans, who created it, couldn’t. If you could devise your own time machine had you got enough brains. Ever thought what would happen if you could use 100 of your brain? Well, if all these tasks were done in the blink of an eye then it would turn very comfortable for the human race.
Scientists have been researching for decades to vouch for the percentage of brains, we humans are really able to use. The origin of this myth that humans are only able to use 10% of their brain took from some prevalent theories from the 19th century. And since then it has become a hot topic for some of the science fictions without any scientific credibility. This myth took speed with a common belief that percentage of the brain used by the great scientist Albert Einstein was 13% which is just 3% more utilization than the normal human. He did many amazing scientific discoveries and people thought that if we were able to use 100% of our brains than that would bring wonders to this world.
10% brain usages myth
The belief that we are only able to use 10% of our brains is half truth and half a lie. The only truth to this 10% myth is that our brain consists of 10% neurons which help us in processing and transmittinginformation while the remaining 90% is made of glial cells which act as a support system for the neurons and provides insulation to them.
Do you know how heavy the human head is?
Well, it comprises 3% of the total body weight but still, it utilises 20%of the total energy of the body. If it had to work actively for a single problem then it will require so much blood circulation that the other organs would be deprived of it making it impossible for the body to control the brain leading to a survival crisis. The most part of the brain is busy controlling all the different kind of processes in the body.
Let us understand this with the help of a simple analogy. Consider your brain as the CPU of the computer and you are busy seeing a video. CPU is not using all its power of process in playing a video, however, in the background, it has to manage many other functions such as running the antivirus programmes, keeping the USB ports functioning or for that matter even rotating the hard drive.
Now similarly at the time of you watching a video your brain performs many other functions for the body such as keeping your lungs breathing, maintaining your heartbeat, helping your eyes to see the video or helping your food to digest your food, so scientific studies have concluded that maybe only 10% of your brain would be focusing on seeing that video while the remaining 90% will be busy in performing other basic processes of your body. So the answer to the question that how much of our brains are we able to use is a 100% and the theories that we use only 10% of our brains is just a myth.