Science, asked by fivester0123456788, 6 months ago

Friends please fast answer​



Answered by gargn0072


1) Solids have a fixed shape and a fixed size. The particles are very close together and held in place by strong forces (bonds). Their particles cannot move around, but they do vibrate. Because the particles cannot move around, a solid has a fixed shape.

2)The meter, symbol m, is the SI unit of length. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum c to be 299 792 458 when expressed in the unit m s-1, where the second is defined in terms of ΔνCs.


Traffic noise.

Air traffic noise.

4)Believe it or not, ice is actually about 9% less dense than water. Since the water is heavier, it displaces the lighter ice, causing the ice to float to the top. How is ice less dense than water? ... So for water, the density actually decreases along with a decrease in temperature - causing ice to be less dense than water!

5)Hibernation is a way animals conserve energy to survive adverse weather conditions or lack of food. It involves physiological changes such as a drop in body temperature and slowed metabolism. Research into the processes involved in hibernation could result in medical benefits for people.


Please mark me as brainliest if u like my answer

Answered by shrawani45
  1. Solids have a definite shape because their molecules are close and their intermolecular forces are strong.
  2. SI Unit of length is meters(m).
  3. Two causes of noise pollution: i)Road Traffic ii)Construction sites
  4. Ice is less dense than water...that's why it floats on water.
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