friendship among teens become more of demanding instead of sharing and caring. present your opinion in 100 to 120 words.
Friendships are incredibly important during adolescence. Teen friendships help young people feel a sense of acceptance and belonging.
Moreover, teenage relationships with peers support the development of compassion, caring, and empathy. Furthermore, adolescent friendships are a big part of forming a sense of identity outside the family.
True, teen friendships can also have a dark side. But, most of all, they provide a wide range of benefits.
The Friendship-Happiness Link
We all know that having good friends makes us happier. But scientists have put this feeling to the test. Hence, a large body of research examines teens and friendship. As a result, the evidence shows that teen friendship is linked with psychological well-being.
One study used data from a nationally representative sample of more than 111,000 adolescents. The researchers investigated whether teenagers who were integrated into friendship networks had better mental health, as measured by a number of depressive symptoms.
Subsequently, the findings made clear that with more friends had fewer symptoms of depression. In addition, teens with a friendship network felt a sense of belonging. As a result, those teens had more positive feelings about their relationships with other people in society.
Furthermore, studies have examined how having a best friend affects mental health. Hence, the findings showed that adolescent best friend attachment is related to psychological health.
The Benefits of Teen Friendship
Social connections, such as teen friendship, create a host of positive benefits. These include the following:
Higher-functioning immune system
Better self-esteem
Lower rates of anxiety and depression
Happier, more optimistic outlook
Longer life expectancy
Stronger emotional regulation skills
Improved cognitive function
More empathy and feelings of trust toward others.
Newport Academy Empowering Teens Resources: Teen Friendships
Teens Are Wired to Make Friends
As children enter adolescence, teen friendships become increasingly important. In fact, parents sometimes feel ignored or abandoned by their children in favor of friendship.
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