Computer Science, asked by vipasharai4, 4 months ago

from a
and peaceful sleep.
1 Abou Ben Adhem woke up
The moonlit room looked as beautiful as.
: The room was filled with
4. He then saw
· The angel was writing something in
5. Abou felt great peace. So great was the peace that he dared to ask the angel,
6. The angel replied, 'I am writing the...
7. Then Abou asked the angel if.
8. The angel replied,
it is....
9. Abou was not...
to hear this. In a gentle voice he said.
Then please write my name as one who ...
10. The angel wrote this and...
11. The angel showed Abou the
loved God.
12. Abou's name was..
... on the...​


Answered by shaikhome


I know the story but don't understtod question

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