Computer Science, asked by sunandakurmi0, 11 months ago

From html, please answer the question.

Answer no. 7​



Answered by Anonymous


[tex]<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Waterfall Mountain[Pure SVG]</title>

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<i id="sun"></i>

<section id="ri_clou">

<i id="ri_a"></i>

<i id="ri_b"></i>

<i id="ri_c"></i>


<article id="cloud">

<span id="clou_a"></span>

<span id="clou_b"></span>

<span id="clou_c"></span>

<span id="clou_d"></span>


<main id="tree">

<b id="tree_a"></b>

<b id="tree_ab"></b>

<b id="tree_ac"></b>

<b id="tree_ad"></b>


<main id="ttree">

<em id="tree_ta"></em>

<em id="tree_tab"></em>

<em id="tree_tac"></em>

<em id="tree_tad"></em>


<main id="tttree">

<q id="tree_tta"></q>

<q id="tree_ttab"></q>

<q id="tree_ttac"></q>

<q id="tree_ttad"></q>


<main id="ztree">

<h1 id="tree_z"></h1>

<h1 id="tree_zz"></h1>

<h1 id="tree_zzz"></h1>

<h1 id="tree_zzzz"></h1>


<p id="rainbow">

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<article id="war"></article>

<div id="wat_r">

<div id="water">

<h2 id="du_a"></h2>

<h2 id="du_b"></h2>

<h2 id="du_c"></h2>

<h2 id="fi_s"></h2>

<h2 id="fi_ss"></h2>

<div id="gro">



<p id="grass_1">

<u id="flowa"></u>

<u id="flowb"></u>

<u id="flowc"></u>

<u id="flowd"></u>

<u id="flowe"></u>


<p id="grass_2">

<b id="flowf"></b>

<b id="flowg"></b>

<b id="flowh"></b>

<b id="flowi"></b>

<b id="flowj"></b>


<p id="SGW_">


<ellipse id="fir_grass" cx="10%" cy="60%" rx="60%" ry="50%" style="fill:#45aE0D;stroke:#45aE0D;stroke-width:2" />

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<section id="watfall">


<article id="fmoun">

<mark id="fmoun_fa"></mark>

<mark id="fmoun_fb"></mark>


<article id="smoun">

<span id="smoun_sc"></span>

<span id="smoun_sd"></span>


<article id="tmoun">

<span id="tmoun_te"></span>

<span id="tmoun_tf"></span>








Answered by mehtamanas139


hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sister good morning have a nice day.......give thanks to take thanks

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