Economy, asked by gayuu18, 7 months ago

From the following data, calculate gross national product at factor cost by

(a) Income method (b) Expenditure Method

Items ` (in crores)

Net domestic capital formation 630

Compensation of employees 2,000

Depreciation 150

Government final consumption expenditure 1,200

Private final consumption expenditure 1,700

Rent 250

Dividend 100

Interest 300

Net exports –50

Profits 800

NFIA –30

Net Indirect taxes 130

If anyone answer this I will mark you as a brainliest​


Answered by suraj4498


The structure no sooner is used to talk about something that happens immediately after something else.

No sooner had I stepped out, than it started raining.

This sentence means that I stepped out and immediately after that it started raining. These two activities take place almost simultaneously. There is no real time difference between them.

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