Accountancy, asked by eshaaneshaan, 6 months ago

From the following information calculatethe amount of subscription to be credited in the income and expenditure account of bharat sports club for the year ending 31st march 2019 during the year the club received 120000 as subscription which included 5000 for the year ending 31st march 2018 .additonal information is that outstanding and advance subscription for the year ending 31st march 2018 is 7000 and 8000 and outstanding and advance subscription for the year ending 31st march 2019 is 9500 and 12500​


Answered by ta3951




Subscription at 31st March 2019

Received during the year2019 120,000

Prior year balance 2018 (5,000)

A: Outstanding for 2019. 9,500

A: Advance received

in prior year 2018. 8,000

L: Advance received for 2019. (12,500)

L: Outstanding for prior year2018. (7,000)

Total. 113,000

Answered by deepanshuk99sl


The amount of subscription to be credited in the income and expenditure account of Bharat sports club for the year ending 31st march 2019 will be Rs. 120000


Particulars                                                                                        Amount

Subscription received during the  year                                          120000  

Add: Outstanding subscription for the year ending                       9500            31st march 2019

Prepaid subscription for the  previous year (March 31st, 2018)     8000      


Less: Advance subscription for the year ending                           (12500)​                31st march, 2019        

Subscription received for the previous year                                 (5000)              ending 31st march 2018                                                                                      

The amount of subscription to be credited in the                       120000                             income and expenditure account                                                                    


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