From the following information, prepare Subscription Account for the year ending 31st March, 2020:Subscription in Arrears20,000 - 31/03/201818,000 - 31/03/2019Subscription in Advance13,000 - 31/03/201811,000 - 31/03/2018In the year ending 31st March, 2020, subscription received were 2.10,000 (including 6,000 of arrears from previous year) and subscription arrears of previous year were written off 4,000.
The total amount for the subscription a/c will be 1,90,000
subscription will be shown in the income side as follows:
Subscription received 2,10,000
(-) subscription for 2019 (20,000)
(18,000+6,000-4,000) =========== 1,90,000
The only amount that will be taken into consideration while calculating the subscription a/c will be the previous year (2019), current year (2020) and the next year(2021).
In this question, the amount given for 2018 will be ignored.
received amount in current year
(+) advance in previous year
(+) o/s in the current year
(-) adv for next year
(-) o/s in the previous year