From the following information, prepare the trading account for the year ended 31st March 2019:
Adjusted purchase 2400000,Freight and carriage inwards 20000, Freight and carriage outwards 15000, wages 170000,Fuel and power 30000,office rent 18000, trade expenses 10000,sales 3000000,closing stock 150000
Trading a/c
Particular ₹ Particular ₹
purchase 2400000 closing stock 150000
freight and 20000 freight and 15000
carriage inwards carriage outward
wages 170000 sales 3000000
trade exp 10000
fuel nd power 30000
to GP 535000
total = 3165000 3165000
office rent 18000 by gp 535000
to NP 517000
total= 535000 535000