Accountancy, asked by amisha4577, 10 months ago

From the following Trial Balance of National Departmental Stores, Pune prepare Departmental Trading & Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31.03.2016. Additional information : Department X transferred goods costing Rs. 40 to Department Y, Rent, Rates & Taxes, Sundry Expenses, Lighting, Salaries and Carriage inwards to be apportioned to Department X and Department Y in the ratio 2 : l respectively, Advertising to be apportioned equally, Discount allowed and discount received are apportioned on the basis of departmental sales and purchases excluding inter-departmental transfers, Depreciation at l0% p.a. on Furniture and Plant & Machinery is to be charged to departments X and Y in the ratio 3 : l respectively, Stock as on 3l.03.20l6 Department X Rs. l,650 Department Y Rs. l,200 .



Answered by Anonymous

From the following Trial Balance of National Departmental Stores, Pune prepare Departmental Trading & Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31.03.2016. Additional information : Department X transferred goods costing Rs. 40 to Department Y, Rent, Rates & Taxes, Sundry Expenses, Lighting, Salaries and Carriage inwards to be apportioned to Department X and Department Y in the ratio 2 : l respectively, Advertising to be apportioned equally, Discount allowed and discount received are apportioned on the basis of departmental sales and purchases excluding inter-departmental transfers, Depreciation at l0% p.a. on Furniture and Plant & Machinery is to be charged to departments X and Y in the ratio 3 : l respectively, Stock as on 3l.03.20l6 Department X Rs. l,650 Department Y Rs. l,200 .

Answered by Anonymous


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